Classic mineral exterior covering, with aerial lime and marble dust, petrifies with the action CO2. Finished smooth or rustic. It allows decorative effects like the classic marmorino effect. It imitates the marble, by means of stuccoed to trowel with shades of a same tone or combinations with Grasello
Matt or Gloss
0,3 - 0,4 m²/Kg
Drying time
1 hour
1K 20K 5K


  • Cement
  • Plaster
  • Lime Mortars
  • Concrete
  • Restoration and decoration of façades and historic lime mortar based buildings
  • -Interior decoration to obtain luxury finishes.

How to apply?

  • Stainless trowel
  • Gross sandpaper nbr.180 or nbr.220: Pore opening
  • Fine sandpaper: After the cover to reduce product excess


Bases: White 400 and colors of the High Decoration card nº3
- Indoor use:
On plaster/ gypsum or cement bases in perfect condition. Do not apply stucco directly, wet the surface with clean water until damp.
It is advisable to add a small amount of lime to this water to help the stucco to adhere to the base (diluting a small amount of stucco in the water will also do the job)On rustic bases, such as lime plaster walls, simply dampen with water.
Prime unsound bases with fixative emulsionIf the bases are painted, it is advisable to remove as much of the paint as possible to optimise the adhesion of the stucco.
In humid rooms such as bathrooms, it is advisable to protect the Marmorino with two coats of Impersil Aqua and in areas with condensation or direct contact with water, protect with two coats of Fijamont Aqua (4:
1) and another two coats of Impersil Aqua 2 weeks after the stucco is applied, making sure the Marmorino is completely dry. The stucco should not come into contact with steam or water until it is completely dry (2 weeks).
- Outdoor use:
On concrete or cement bases in perfect condition. Do not apply stucco directly, wet the surface with clean water until damp.
It is advisable to add a small amount of lime to this water to help the stucco to adhere to the base (diluting a small amount of stucco in the water will also do the job)On rustic bases, such as lime mortar, simply dampen with water.
Prime unsound bases with fixative emulsionIf the bases are painted, it is advisable to remove as much of the paint as possible to optimise the adhesion of the stucco.
Do not apply when raining or when there is a risk of imminent rainfall. The stucco needs to dry for a minimum of 48 to 72 hours before coming into contact with water.
After 2 weeks, once it has been verified that the product is completely dry, it can be protected with Fijamont Aqua (4:
1) or Impersil Aqua (Fijamont Aqua gives the surface a slight gloss and Impersil Aqua is matt).
3 to 4 months after applying the protector it is recommended that you apply another coat to reinforce the protection.
These protectors will prevent the formation of salt on the surface, but will not prevent colours from degrading. It is therefore recommended that you choose weather resistant colours.
If the Marmorino is very exposed to the elements, avoid polishing the surface excessively, as this could create a seal and therefore affect the breathability of the product, resulting in the appearance of white marks.
Soporte Nuevo:
Cement mortar:
- Hope until total forged (30 days minimum).
- Clean possible eflorescencias by means of abrasive spurt and to neutralize alkaline surfaces.
- In excessively polished surfaces, to sandpaper to open the pore.
- Fix the supports weak = Fijadora Emulsion - Fijamont.
- Clean all strange product and/or remainders.
- Fiil with plaste (Plasmont Outer) the defects (to see in fam. 6).
- Wait for until he is well dry (máx,20% humidity).
- Eliminate all strange products and/or remainders.
- Eliminate eflorescencias.
- Regulate the absorptions of the surface by means of Selladora Sellalux or Pasta Mate Industrial.
- In surfaces excessively polished to sandpaper to open the pore.
- Fix the weak or harinosos supports by means of Emulsion Fijadora or Fijamont.
- Fill with puttie all defects of the support.
- Deal with Montolimp the supports with mould. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
1 - Eliminate totally old paintings in badly state or badly adhered.
2 -The shining surfaces must be clarified, to make sure a good adhesion.
3 - In the painted supports you must verify the solidity and anchorage of the painting, to diagnose his nature to avoid possible incompatibilities and to eliminate the dust and the dirt before painting.
4 - Fill with putties the support defects (to see in family 6).
5 - Deal the supports with mould with Montolimp


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