Water-based, chalk effect paint designed for exterior use. For the restoration and decoration of furniture, creating modern vintage, aged or stripped effects.
10 - 12 m²/L
Drying time
(20ºC HR: 60%): 1 h. Washability: 25-30 days


  • Outdoors/Indoors
  • Metal after priming
  • Plaster
  • Wooden furniture and complements
  • Plaster
  • Gypsum Board

How to apply?

  • Painting brush
  • Roller
  • Aerographic gun


In Pure White and colours from the Chalk Paint Plus chart.
You can create various aesthetic effects using Crea Chalk Paint Plus, according to how the product is applied.
Vintage Effect on new wood:
- Lightly sand the surface to remove dirt and imperfections that may cause undesired effects in the finish. Crea Chalk Paint Plus is easy to use on soft woods such as pine, spruce, mukali or poplar. It can be applied on harder woods but may deteriorate very quickly if the wood is not appropriately treated. - Remove the sanding dust with a damp cloth.
- Apply a layer of Crea Chalk Paint Plus. Do not dilute the product but do lightly dampen the brush to help to spread the paint. If you wish to leave application marks in order to create a more rustic effect, apply in brush strokes without spreading the paint out completely. Leave to dry for 2 -3 hrs.
- If you are applying the product on hard woods such as teak, apply two coats. Dilute the first coat by 5 to 10%, according to the state of the wood.
- Once the paint is dry, rub the whole surface using a green scouring sponge or soft sandpaper. Apply more pressure on the corners and edges and also in the areas where you want to reveal the natural wood base. This friction will create dust that will then need to be removed from the surface.
- Once you have achieved your desired aged effect, you can leave the applied product as it is, smooth and powdery to the touch, as long as the surface is not going to be subject to continued use that may damage the finish. In this case, we recommend using Crea Protector Chalk Paint to protect it against use and harsh environmental conditions.
- Protect exterior wooden surfaces from attacks by fungus and xylophagous insects using Klearxyl Di Anti-wood borers.
Soporte Nuevo:
- Plaster, gypsum or plasterboard:
1- Use filler to rectify imperfections in the surface (see the section corresponding to powdered and prepared fillers in the SURFACE PREPARATION family to choose the appropriate products).
2- Treat surfaces affected by mould with Montolimp.
3- Sand surface imperfections or roughness if you wish, bearing in mind that this can cause the product to be absorbed differently by the sanded and non-sanded areas, resulting in slight variations in the detail and colour of the finish.
- Wood1- For soft woods, sand lightly to open its pores and remove dirt or foreign bodies. 2- For hard woods, sand very thoroughly.
- Metal1- Degrease and clean the surface entirely, removing foreign bodies, greases, oils and rust.
2- Apply two layers of white Crea Imprimación Antioxidante, following the instructions in its Technical Sheet. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
1. For use on painted surfaces: check the original paint’s solidity and adherence to the surface, confirm its type in order to avoid possible product incompatibilities and remove dust and dirt before repainting the surfaces.
2. Remove old paint in bad condition or with deteriorated adherence that may be displaced when applying Crea Chalk Paint Plus. 3. Shiny or varnished surfaces must be completely sanded. Enamels or satin paints will not need to be stripped entirely, just enough to open the pores. For varnished surfaces: the varnish must be totally removed using Crea Quitapinturas and/or sanding.
4. Use filler to rectify imperfections in the surface (see the section corresponding to powdered and prepared fillers in the SURFACE PREPARATION family to choose the appropriate products).
5. Treat surfaces affected by mould with Montolimp.
6. Use on woods with exterior biocide treatment, or use Klearxyl Di Anti-wood borers.
7. We recommend finishing with Crea Protector Chalk Paint for any exterior application.


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